NASFAA Credentials:  A Whole New World - Solving Mysteries

Welcome to the FASFAA's pre-conference workshop offering NASFAA credentials.  

At the FASFAA Pre-Conference Workshop, two NASFAA credentials will be offered for your choosing:  Student Eligibility or Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4). These sessions are taught by trained financial aid colleagues credentialed in these topics.

Why should I complete a NASFAA Credential? NASFAA credentials are a great way to expand your student financial aid knowledge and improve your job performance and the service offered to students. Normally a NASFAA Credential is $99 through NASFAA, however, if you register for Pre-Con, the credential test will be provided to you for free!

To test for the NASFAA credential, you must sit in the session and learn the material. After completing your session, you can take the information you learned back to your institution and study the material. To obtain the NASFAA Credential, you must pass the test within 40 calendar days of your initial training. If you want to learn more about NASFAA Credentials, you can click on this link.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024  
Time Description Location
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Pre-Conference Workshop Registration Open

Registration Area

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

NASFAA Credential Preconference Workshop (Concurrent)

Student Eligibility

This workshop will prepare you to earn the Student Eligibility credential.  You will need to know the student eligibility requirements for receipt of federal financial aid. This workshop will help you demonstrate the ability to protect the integrity of the Title IV programs by ensuring—before awarding or disbursement of funds—that your school’s students meet all relevant student-related and program-related eligibility requirements.

The range of topics include:

  • General Concepts of Student Eligibility
  • Criteria Checked Via the Application Process
  • Criteria Checked and Monitored by the School
  • Educational Coursework and Programs Affecting Student Eligibility and Changes in Eligibility

Presenters: Melissa Toohey, Financial Aid Manager – University of South Florida Health & Laura Dunaway, Assistant Director of Financial Aid – University of Tampa

Note: Regardless of the credential test you sit for, you should be prepared to be tested on a variety of program structures, such as credit- or clock-hour, term or nonterm, standard or nonstandard term, undergraduate or graduate/professional programs, and programs of various lengths (shorter than one year, two-year, four-year, certificate, etc.).















Return to Title IV

This workshop will prepare you to earn the Return to Title IV credential. You will need to know how to handle a student’s Title IV funds when he withdraws from school before completing the payment period or period of enrollment. You will need to know the basic requirements for the return of Title IV funds (R2T4), whether and when to apply the requirements, how to determine the student’s withdrawal date, how to calculate the return of funds for each Title IV program, all applicable deadlines, and the rules for making post-withdrawal disbursements. This will help you demonstrate the ability to protect the integrity of the Title IV programs by ensuring your school promptly returns federal funds for which a withdrawn student no longer qualifies. 

The range of topics include: 

  • General Concepts of Return of Title IV Funds
  • Determining the Withdrawal Date
  • Return of Title IV Funds Formula
  • Post-Withdrawal Disbursements and Time Frames

Presenters: Heidi Goldsworthy, Independent Consultant & Karissa Lawson, Coordinator of Scholarships – University of Central Florida

Note: Regardless of the credential test you sit for, you should be prepared to be tested on a variety of program structures, such as credit- or clock-hour, term or nonterm, standard or nonstandard term, undergraduate or graduate/professional programs, and programs of various lengths (shorter than one year, two-year, four-year, certificate, etc.).











12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Lunch (Provided for Credential Attendees)


 NASFAA Credentials Pre-Conference Workshop Cost = $ 75.00

 Non-members must Join/Renew their FASFAA Membership for $35.00 before completing the Registration Form.

If you have any questions or need any further information please contact NASFAA Credential Workshop Chair, Tracy Wiles-Klinginsmith

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